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Oil Recycling Hours of Operation: CLOSED FOR SEASON

Wednesday and Thursday – 8am-5pm (closed from 12-1)

Friday – 8 am-12 pm

Seasonal Operation – Open from April 15 – October 15

Users should be made aware of a limit of one(1) drum of filters and a two (2) barrel limit of used oil (500 liters) and half (1/2) barrel of antifreeze per visit.

Control Burns

To prevent unnecessary response from the Fire Department, BEFORE LIGHTING, please call 1-866-404-4911.

If the Fire Department gets called to an unreported burn you will be charged.


Dust Suppressant when applied on municipal roadways requires a signed agreement with the municipality.

The purpose of said agreement is to provide safe travel to the public and to ensure continued stability and integrity of the municipal infrastructure.

This agreement can be found below or under the “Forms” Tab.


The RM of Arm River, No. 252 is considering decommissioning the airport well and the reservoir well, both located at NE 21-26-28 W2.

In the event this goes ahead, council would add a second loading site to the Kochendorfer well located at SE 3-27-28 W2.

Please notify the office if you have any issues or concerns regarding this project. Notifications will be received in this office until Monday, September 9, 2024 and reviewed at a Council Meeting.